Symbols of Ireland

What the Russians know about Ireland? We know that it’s a birthplace of Guinness beer, we heard stories about leprechauns, also that it’s an «emerald Island». And that the symbol of Ireland is a clover leaf. It’s true, for the Russians Ireland looks like a far and mysterious island. That’s why we decided to explore this country in March 2015.

We found out, that Ireland is much more, then all this mention things. It’s a country with amazing heritage and rich history. The present times are intertwined with myths and legends, Celtic culture, with national pride and the darkest times of XX century.

During our journey we visited 17 counties, more than 20 towns, drove more than 3400 km and I could say, that is not enough to see all Ireland. So, I decided to tell not about just our trip, but about symbols of Ireland, how we feel and understand it. Let’s go )

the route

Symbols of Ireland. Nature and landscapes.

Cliffs and Wild Atlantic. Part one

I think it’s better to start my story of Ireland’s Symbols with its nature. Nature is in general can’t be not beautiful and breathtaking. But in Ireland we saw incredible landscapes – blue waterfalls, emerald fields and valleys, grey mountains and cliffs, brown bog areas and, of course, azure-turquoise waves of Atlantic.

Moving through the counties was like a travel through different words, especially when the weather changes every several hours! But all this diversity is not only in nature – each small town we visited or just passed by was also colorful and fits harmoniously into the surrounding landscape.

The coast in co.Kerry, Dingle Peninsula

The coast in co.Kerry, Dingle Peninsula

Cliffs of Moher is a very popular place in Ireland. It’s in a top 10 of the list ‘Places must to visit in Ireland’ on a popular tourist web sites. And no surprise — there’s really breathtaking views on the cliffs.

The view on The Hags Head and ruins of Moher Tower. It’s the southerly point of the Cliffs of Moher.

In legends said, that an old hag, called Mal, fell in love with the Irish hero, Cú Chulainn and chased her would-be suitor across Ireland. Cú Chulainn escaped by hopping across sea stacks as if they were stepping stones. Mal being not so nimble lost her footing and was dashed against the cliff.

The Moher Tower was built in Napoleonic Wars and nowadays in summer it’s occupied by choughs.

Not so well known but no less beautiful and powerful cliffs Slieve League, situated in co. Donegal. To compare with Cliffs of Moher, Slieve League higher in 3 times, it’s about 600 metres high!

Now just some photos of the coast in different parts of Ireland

co. Donegal

co. Galway, Connemara Loop and view on 12 Pins Mountains

co. Kerry, Dingle Peninsula. Not far from Bee Hive Structures

co. Cork, there is Old Head of Kinsale lighthouse situated. It stands on the golf cort territory and was closed till april, so we didn’t reached the lighthouse. But the coast and landscape are really wild there.

co. Mayo, Achill Island, view from Atlantic Drive

co. Mayo, Achill Island, Keem Bay. Water here was amazing azure color!

co. Mayo, Achill Island, Keem Bay

co. Mayo, view from the parking not far from Ceide Fields

co. Mayo

That’s it. The second part of our story about coast of Ireland and a couple photos of lighthouses are coming soon!


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